Monday 22 December 2008

From my classroom window

I have taken these snapshots from the window of my classrom Maxwell 914.

Beautiful view of River Irwell and its surrounding greens. A walk to Adelphi, you would pass this river that flows besides the park & my house. A peaceful view if you had a stressful class!

From the window, you can see Manchester city in the evening. In fact, it is not far from Salford Uni to Manchester city, I would say 20 minutes walk!

In one of these photos, you can spot Manchester Hilton Hotel (the tallest & most odd building in the city!). Those familiar, you can also spot Adelphi Building, Matthias & Brahmall Courts (student accommodation), Humprhey Booth, and the Crescent. When I took these pictures, it was still bright sky after 3 pm. Now, the sky starts to turn dark at 2 pm.

Sunday 21 December 2008

Eidul-Adha 2008

Despite knowing that Eidul-adha was just few days down the week, I didnt get any preparation done. For the facts that I had one OR Modeing assignment (Linear Programming !) to submit and hubby was buzy with his new job (not a good excuse!).

The night before, I slept at Zura's room in Castle as hubby had a sleep-over in the hotel (off evening shift and in morning shift concurrently). We were planning to go to Cheetham Hill for a pray and joined the feast there, googling the places and spotting them on Manchester maps but I was quite skeptical whether we would had the time in the morning (it was some degrees to Zero!) The girls then decided to pray in the university's masjid or else, we would then flock together to Cheetham .

Later in the morning, they came over to my homely place for some food. The chef decided to dish some simple menu based on whatever food we had in the fridge, for the girls and himself. The menu? I leave it secret among us ! And, the chef went to work...

We, the girls had a good chatting over tea while waiting for the rain to stop. We celebrated Eidul-Adha in a simple way but the message was strong, it brought us closer.Hopefully, the next Eidul, we would have bigger feast and merrier times...
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Thursday 18 December 2008


Hujan yang turun bagaikan mutiara
Berkilau bersinar berkerdipan
Subur menghijau bumi terbentang
Dan bayu berpuput lembut

Cinta yang bersemi
Diwaktu hujan turun
Menyirami ketandusan hati
Dan hujan turut mengiringi
Engkau pergi...

Selembut hujan bercurahan
Begitulah cinta ini
Semesra bumi yang disirami
Begitulah hati ini

Hujan yang turun bersama air mata
Bersama pedih, bersama rindu
Kau datang dan kau pergi jua
Rindu lagi...

Happy Faces of Maxwell 914

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Medical Statistics Class

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My lunch on the last day

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Last Day of First Term 2008

I have included series of photos in my very last day of first term @ Salford. Wished for more time and space to capture more actions and actors - hopefully next term !

The photos were taken on Thursday, 11 December 2008 when we had our final class of Medical Statistics with Prof. Percy at Peel Building 09/10 (odds no. of a small room!) and the last classes in Maxwell 914 - of SCM (with Decision Theory's exam tips in it) with Dr. Chen and lastly, with Dr. Ian Mchale for Multivariate Analysis.

Ian managed to always have the full attendance of the class, probably because the subject is the toughest for this semester but because everyone enjoyed his class. He is just like us, blur sometimes (we forgive him - for someone who took the class just a week before the semester starts, we understand!).

Just to backtrack - we are 7 ppls in this course for 2008/2009 : the lowest number in the course history (?) but we had 2 extra great companies for Statistics A modules; Abraham & Isaac and occasionally, Kak Aza (she is 'recommended' for the classes as she is doing her PhD paper with Prof. Percy...) But I believe, we would expect more ppl to turn up from last batch during next exam based on the class mailing list...hopefully!

These photos are also available in my FB album, solely for me to tag my mates in FB! hahahaha..